Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some Dragon Age 2 Facts:

1-It’s faster and more brutal, less cerebral and more exaggerated,a little flashier and more accessible than Dragon Age Origins.
Hawke slashing through bad guys
2-There’s still approval. But now instead of only getting content and combat bonuses based on positive approval, you can either build a rapport or an antagonistic relationship with your companions. Negative approval means they want to show you up, or see you fall on your sorry behind, but they still stick around.

here we see the traditional wheel of ME 2
3-There are way fewer gifts, and the gifts are follower-specific. (No more giving dog bones to everyone to boost approval.)
4 races in Dragon Age 2
4-And followers can still turn on you or abandon you, regardless of how much they like you, based on your actions. (Like Leliana and Wynne at the Urn.)
this is may be kirkwall....I think
5-David Gaider confirms, that the dragon lady from the concept art is Flemeth
well,here is an old friend from origins
6-The game promises that players will be able to “think like a general and fight like a Spartan”
some place...I don't know where
7-the new protagonist has been named Hawke. He is a “penniless refugee who rises to power to become the single most important character in the world of Dragon Age.”
Is it me?....or these guys doesn't look like the darkspawn from origins?
8-Hawke (main character) will be a voiced character.
this ogre is going to get...isn't he?
9-Hawke is human.
he is doing very well for a human
 10-Hawke didn’t just survive the blight…he escaped it.
Again....very well
11-Hawke is the Champion of Kirkwall.
Flemth is back....and this time..she is hot
12-Dragon Age II is not about killing an ancient evil or about quelling another blight; Hawke is the driving force behind the narrative. Over the course of the game’s 10-year timeline, players’ actions and choices will determine Hawke ’s history, relationships, and regrets…all in service to answering the larger question: Who is the Champion of Kirkwall?
13-the game getting the ME2 conversation wheel, but this time instead of having some dialogue be a particular color the center of the wheel will show a symbol to show what kind of reply it is. (The article uses the examples of them being something like aggressive or sarcastic)
14-The PC version’s combat system remains mostly the same. “The PC version implements the same strategic approach afforded by a mouse-and-keyboard control scheme.” “Rather than try to mimic the PC experience on consoles, Dragon Age II has a battle system more tailored to the strengths of the PS3 and 360.”
15-You can choose your class between a Warrior, Rogue or Mage (as origins).

personal thoughts: some of those facts are great like: hawke will be a full voiced character....and some are disappointing like: Dragon Age II is not about killing an ancient evil or about quelling another blight.
anyway I have my full trust in bioware to make great DA game.
P.S. :there is a game play video for DA2 on the but......yeah...just been removed but here's the link for other the way it's more hack and slash than RPG.
P.S. 2: don't be so hasty and judge the whole game by this clip if you watched it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dragon Age 2 confirmed for Eurogamer Expo

Euro gamers has just now reveal that Bioware's much awaited game title Dragon Age 2 will be showcase at Euro gamer Expo which kicks off next week.
The news was confirmed by them in a tweet which reads as, “Hey RPG buffs, EA have just added dragon age 2 to their expo lineup!”. Sometimes back EA has already announced their line up for the show which includes the likes of Crisis 2, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and Dead Space 2. 
Dragon Age 2 is slated to come out on March 11 for Xbox 360.
 (based on gamepur)
personal last...a glimpse of my most anticipated game....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

PC Gamer loved Dragon Age 2:

Yesterday,rich McCormick (Staff Writer at PC Gamer) went to BioWare’s Edmonton offices to sneak  a peek on their latest project Dragon Age 2....and apparently he was impressed.
he said "No developer could be blamed for simply jamming the existing framework with more quests and calling it a sequel. But BioWare aren’t doing that"
he described their project as "tectonic shift in approach, a game that has actively learned from feedback, from criticism, and from the techniques of the studio’s mega-selling stablemates,This is Dragon Age fundamentally altered and upgraded, with three core areas – dialogue, combat and visuals – comprehensively gutted and redressed by its Canadian developers"
For the full Preview for Dragon Age 2 written by rich McCormick,go here.

personal thoughts: I really loved dragon age origins and spent countless hours playing it and dragon age 2 is one of my most anticipated games....and that's that anther video game magazine loved it....but I really want to see a game play trailer by now....the game was already  appeared at 2 conferences to public but they didn't allow any recording for it....why is that?
I don't know....but I am really exited for any news about it.

what do you think?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My seven theories for Mass Effect 3: SPOILERS

well, I have no theories so I will discuss theories I have heard (man, I love criticizing)

1-Thanix Cannon: it's a possibility but that would require big and strong ships like the second Normandy and we all know it's a unique ship and not available for every race to have a similar ship

2-The Mass Effect cannon which disabled the reaper over Mnemosyne: weak possibility, but I think  may be the race who fired the shot at the first place would appear and offer help, but again that was 37 million years ago, so where did they hide all that time? So that's also a weak possibility.

3-All the races in the galaxy united and stand together against the danger: the galaxy is a big place and every race have his share of troubles. So it's very hard to unite those...unless the reapers appears at every home world and attacks it at the same time to urge races to unite and the council to take action....and may be by then it would be too late.

4-Mass Effect 3 would be about finding a super weapon to defeat the reapers with it: it's possible but I don't like it, that would be repetitive like:
ME2:all the game gathering the team to use it in the last battle to win
ME3:all the game searching for the weapon to use it on the last battle to win

5-the Protheans lending a hand: I thought that too after ME 1 but  in ME 2 they became the reapers's bi*** and became the goodbye for them

6-the geth helping out: Actually that is a very strong possibility, after all they are the galaxy's hated race now. They might end up as it's saviors...especially after having legion (one of them) as a friend.

7-finding the  reapers's creators: oh my god, is that possible?...afraid it is but there are 2 theories here:
they are very intelligent and powerful "things "so why keep superior life form (or entity) to them around? They probably destroyed it.
the other theory that they are keeping it imprisoned or somewhere in case of one of them is damaged, destroyed or they even want more copies of themselves in the future
Now,what do think of my GREAT theories?
post a comment and say what you think...