Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My seven theories for Mass Effect 3: SPOILERS

well, I have no theories so I will discuss theories I have heard (man, I love criticizing)

1-Thanix Cannon: it's a possibility but that would require big and strong ships like the second Normandy and we all know it's a unique ship and not available for every race to have a similar ship

2-The Mass Effect cannon which disabled the reaper over Mnemosyne: weak possibility, but I think  may be the race who fired the shot at the first place would appear and offer help, but again that was 37 million years ago, so where did they hide all that time? So that's also a weak possibility.

3-All the races in the galaxy united and stand together against the danger: the galaxy is a big place and every race have his share of troubles. So it's very hard to unite those...unless the reapers appears at every home world and attacks it at the same time to urge races to unite and the council to take action....and may be by then it would be too late.

4-Mass Effect 3 would be about finding a super weapon to defeat the reapers with it: it's possible but I don't like it, that would be repetitive like:
ME2:all the game gathering the team to use it in the last battle to win
ME3:all the game searching for the weapon to use it on the last battle to win

5-the Protheans lending a hand: I thought that too after ME 1 but  in ME 2 they became the reapers's bi*** and became the goodbye for them

6-the geth helping out: Actually that is a very strong possibility, after all they are the galaxy's hated race now. They might end up as it's saviors...especially after having legion (one of them) as a friend.

7-finding the  reapers's creators: oh my god, is that possible?...afraid it is but there are 2 theories here:
they are very intelligent and powerful "things "so why keep superior life form (or entity) to them around? They probably destroyed it.
the other theory that they are keeping it imprisoned or somewhere in case of one of them is damaged, destroyed or they even want more copies of themselves in the future
Now,what do think of my GREAT theories?
post a comment and say what you think...

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